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Hallym Charity Kimchi Making Event

  • Views 2285
  • Writer ISSO
  • 작성일 21.11.17

Wednesday 17th November saw Hallym University students come together to make Kimchi outside Hallym International Hall.

The Napa Cabbages used for this style of Kimchi were pre-soaked in salt water for 48 hours prior to the event. 

Under the leadership of master Kimchi maker Ms Lee, students were shown the process of how to separate the cabbage leaves and spread the spicy paste leaf by leaf. 

The Kimchi they produced was later donated to Gyodong Welfare Center for distribution within Chuncheon City. 

You can read a short explanation of Gimjang here

A video of the event can be seen here.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the event!

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