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Hallym Online Korean Studies Taster Program and Physical Exchange at Hallym

  • Views 1446
  • Writer ISSO
  • 작성일 21.11.10

Please briefly introduce yourself.

Hi, my name is Madaline and I am an exchange student from the U.S. I am currently studying at Hallym University for one year. This is my second year of university and I am a business marketing major.

What made you sign up for the Hallym January 2021 Online and Live Korean Studies Taster Program?

When applying to study abroad I was informed of an opportunity put on by one of my prospected schools. With my interest in Korea and the fact that it was free I was intrigued. What also drew me to the program is that you got to meet professors and staff from Hallym University. 

For me, it was an opportunity to see what material I could be learning at Hallym and to get a feel for the kind of people there. This program is also a great opportunity for people who are interested in studying abroad but are unsure of where or what university. Overall, it was an opportunity to learn more about Korean culture, economy, history, etc… and to meet fellow students.

Please briefly describe your experience whilst participating in the online program.

The university makes it convenient for students to participate by offering two sessions for different time zones. They also provided ample information to know how the classes will work. At first I was nervous but the atmosphere created was comfortable for everyone and I ended up enjoying and even looking forward to the next class. 

There was no pressure and instead it was just a place to comfortably learn and discuss.

What was the best one aspect of the program for you?

I liked the connections I made with the school and some of the students. It was a nice feeling coming to Hallym and already seeing familiar faces amongst the professors and directors. As well as, even after the taster program had ended I still stayed in contact with other fellow students.

Now that you are physically studying at Hallym University on exchange, please briefly describe how you have adapted to living in Korea.

Since coming to Korea there were a variety of things I needed to adapt to, however, with my research and classes such as the Taster Program I felt more prepared for these changes. 

I have needed to adapt to Koreas fast-paced culture, the language barrier (I am studying Korean but in the beginning I was nervous to go places because of the barrier), and this is to name a few. Like I mentioned before, I had researched Korea and had an idea of what I was getting myself into so the differences weren’t as shocking or hard to adapt to. 

I think doing research before is important to help with adapting. While I am here I find that keeping an open mind and watching what the Koreans do - not necessarily always follow the crowd but to observe - has helped me adapt. Lastly, I think what has also helped me adapt is going out and doing things on my own. It is fun and comforting when you go in groups but it is important that you know you can get around without relying on others.

What skill sets have you improved upon since your arrival in Korea?

For starters my Korean has improved since arriving, it is certainly not at the level I want it to be, but I am making progress. It is a given that coming to a country of the language you’re studying you are bound to learn more quickly. 

I believe I have also become more confident, specifically in my decision-making skills. As well as, I believe with the roles I’ve taken on here in Korea I have developed and improved my leadership skills.

You can view the PR video for the Hallym January 2022 Online & Live Korean Studies Taster Program here and a full description of the program can be found here

The nomination deadline for the online program is December 1st, 2021. 

You can also click here to learn more about fall 2022 physical exchange at Hallym. 

The nomination deadline for fall 2022 semester is April 15th, 2022.