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Hallym Korean Studies Online Taster Program: Apply Now

  • Views 4900
  • Writer Gareth
  • 작성일 21.07.21

Greetings from Hallym University!

Following on from the success of the January 2021 Korean Studies Taster Program Hallym will offer its second Korean Studies Taster Program   Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th January, 2022.

Introducing Hallym University Second Online Korean Studies Taster Program 

The Korean Studies Online Taster Program has been designed to appeal to a range of students, with no prerequisite knowledge of Korea or Korean Studies required. The course will be conducted 100% in English by some of our experienced Korean Studies Professors (detailed below).

The three-day course is spread over 90 minutes per day at a time which is most convenient for each time zone. Therefore, the course will run twice per day (Korean morning time) and (Korean early evening) to cater for our North/Central and South American partners and our European, Asian and Australasian partners.

You can view the KSTP PR video here

*Exchange coordinators at partner universities  should have already received an email about this program. If for any reason you were missed from the mailing list, please email Gareth at   iao55@hallym.ac.kr  for the nomination links and further information. Please nominate (up to 4) interested students by December 1st, 2021. 

Learn about the Seollal Holiday Period (Korean New Year) its history and the ceremonies involved. 

Appreciate the culture and etiquette behind doing business in Korea and consider the fast-paced nature of change in this dynamic country and its continued social change.

By the end of the course you will have learned how to apply this knowledge to 'real-life' situations and hopefully developed a deeper interest in Korea and Korean Studies. 

Spotlight on: Hallym University Second Korean Studies Online Taster Program 

This course will be offered online 'live' twice per day:

Program: Hallym University Korean Studies Online Taster Program 

Dates:  25th -27th January, 2022

Duration: Three days, 90 minutes per day (4.5 hours total)

Required Language Ability:  Competent English comprehension/listening and speaking skills are required. The course will be conducted 100% in English.

Number of Credits:  Not for credit, (unless previously agreed by your home university) 

Certification: Online certificate for students who complete the course and satisfaction survey

Course Fee:  Free

Please select the most appropriate time period, converting the Korean start time to your local home time by using the links below:

Start Time

*Suitable for

09:00 Korean time

for exact local time convert   here

*North/Central/South American time zones 

18:00 Korean time

for exact local time convert   here

*EU/Asia/Australasia time zones


*Nominations are provisionally limited to 4 students per university* We may be able to expand upon this number with prior communication. Please email Gareth at   iao55@hallym.ac.kr if you require further information. 

*Participation in this online taster course does not count towards any university exchange quotas. 

*Coordinator nominations are due by Wednesday 1st December.

Although this is a free course, Hallym University asks that once your students' apply for and are accepted onto the program that they complete the course. 

Places are limited, so please ask your students to think about their schedule before applying for the course. 

*Hallym reserves the right to close applications for these courses early if applications exceed anticipated numbers, therefore nominations before the December 1st deadline would be appreciated*.


Professor Allen Bruce Ray, MA (TESL) Kent State University, USA 

Professor Britt Franklin Frey, JD. (Law) University of Texas, USA 

Professor Jiyeon Lee, Ph.D. (Modern Languages) University Southampton, UK

An interview with Professor Allen Bruce Ray, Director of Hallym Korean Studies Department

How can students apply the knowledge of your course to their future career?

I teach' Encounters with Korea' during the regular semester. During our 'taster' class we will cover key information related to living in Korea, allowing you the student to better understand what it is like to live and study in Korea. By the end of the class you will be able to apply this knowledge to 'real-life' situations, which should allow you to critically analyze and evaluate the way people think and behave in given situations' when living, studying and working in Korea.  

What kind of methodology will you use during the course? Will it be more theoretical or more practical? 

We have chosen a very hands-on and interactive approach. Students will take part in live group work, discussions and Problem-Based Learning (PBL), in which students will learn about subjects through solving 'open-ended' problems found within distributed literature. 

What skills will I have acquired after the course?

Your new skill set will allow you to extract key information and analyze and evaluate it, allowing you to further develop critical thinking skills and apply knowledge to 'real life' business and work environments. 

What topics will be covered during the three-day course?

Professor Ray: Korean New Year Holiday (Seollal) History & Tradition

Professor Frey: Korean Etiquette and International Business in Korea

Professor Lee: Social Issues in Modern Korean Society

Interested in Hallym fall 2022 exchange?

To apply for Hallym University fall 2022 exchange, you must first be nominated by your home university exchange coordinator.

The fall academic semester will start in late August, 2022.

Nominations are now being accepted with a nomination deadline of April 15th,2022 . More information can be found here .

Please speak to your home international coordinator if you wish to be nominated for fall 2022 exchange at Hallym.