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Admission Guide & Scholarships

<Admission for General Graduate School   일반대학원 입학 안내> 

Please refer to the Admission Guide to find out English-track courses.  일반대학원 과정 영어트랙은 입학요강을 참조해주세요.

  • Please read the following Admission Guide carefully and submit the documents correctly.  아래 입학요강을 자세히 읽고 서류를 올바르게 제출해주세요.

2024 Fall Semester Admission Guide  in English       /     >2024 가을학기 한국어 입학요강 

Application form(+Academic Info,Study Plan,Letter of Consent)   입학지원서(+학위정보,학업계획서,동의서)  

Recommendation letter form  추천서양식

Resume form for doctoral degree program applicants   박사학위과정 지원자용 이력서 양식

<Scholarships   장학금 안내>

In order to get  financial aid, international students may be employed as a TA or a RA (Teaching or Research Assistant), or get Scholarship A or B based on the previous degree GPA, or Industry-University Cooperation scholarship. For further detailed information, please refer to the admission guide.   외국인유학생에게는 TA(교육조교)와 RA(연구조교) 장학금, 면학 A 또는 B 장학금 그리고 산학연협력 장학금이 적용될 수 있습니다. 상세 정보는 입학요강을 참조해주세요.