"Hallym University, a place for dynamic exchange where information flows, talent flourishes and a new future is designed"
Welcome to the Hallym University website.
Hallym University is being reborn as a prestigious private university that nurtures students for a new era.
Since its establishment in 1982, Hallym has achieved remarkable results by striving to becoming a leading university that produces excellent students, a university that fulfills its social responsibilities, and a university that leads innovation.
The mission of the university is no longer an 'ivory tower' that passes on knowledge. It must operate as a 'social platform that anyone can easily access without barriers'. If education, research, industry-university cooperation, and volunteer work were the roles of universities in the past, now the university must be reborn as a plaza open to all, leading social change.
Hallym will be reborn as a place of dynamic exchange where information flows, talent flourishes and a new future is designed. Hallym will expand the field of communication to the world beyond Chuncheon City, Gangwon-do, and South Korea, and further expand to a cyber-campus equipped with a cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence infrastructure. We will provide a flexible education system for new jobs and studies that have not yet appeared so that not only current students, but also ordinary citizens and prospective students can discover and develop their own competencies.
Science and technology are leading the change of civilization, and the cycle of the industrial revolution is getting shorter and shorter. However, the material abundance they bring is insufficient to guarantee human happiness. In addition to specialized knowledge, balanced values, excellent communication skills, and consideration for others are also essential. Taking this as the basis of Hallym's educational philosophy, we will move forward towards 'Hallym University where all members are fulfilled'.
Your interest and support will be a great help for Hallym University to grow and develop. We ask for your active participation and cooperation.
President Choi, Yanghee
1960 ~ 1965
Okcheon Elementary School, Gangneung
1965 ~ 1968 Gangneung Middle School
1968 ~ 1971 Kyunggi High School
1971 ~ 1975 B.S. in Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University
1975 ~ 1977 M.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
1980 ~ 1984 Doctor of Engineering in Computer Science, ENST (École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications), France
2007 Test-of-Time Award, WINTECH
Order of Science and Technology Merit <Doyak> Medal, Republic of Korea
2009 Internet Technology Award, KRNET
2009 Lifetime Achievement Award, Korea Internet Awards, Korea Internet & Security Agency
2015 Global Entrepreneurship Network Startup Nations Award, Startup Nations
Gangwon’s Person of the Year (Gangwon-do Residents Association)
PaikNam Engineering Award (PaikNam Memorial Association)
Undang Academic Award (Future & Software Foundation, Korean Information Processing Society)
Career History
1977. 3 ~ 1991. 7
Director, Data Telecommunications Research Laboratory, ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Korea
Director/Senior Researcher, Protocol Engineering Center, ETRI, Korea
1981. 9 ~ 1984. 6 Student Researcher, CNET, France
1988. 7 ~ 1989. 6 Visiting Scientist, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
1991. 7 ~ 2020. 8 Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
2006 ~ 2012 Chair, Future Internet Forum (FIF), Korea
2006 ~ Member/Senior Member, The National Academy of Engineering of Korea, Korea
2007 ~ Member, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Korea
2009 President, The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, Korea
2009. 3 ~ 2011. 2 Dean, Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology (GSCST), Seoul National University, Korea
2009. 8 ~ 2011. 8 President, The Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, Korea
2010 ~ 2011 Member, Knowledge Economy R&D Strategic Planning Team, Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Knowledge Economy), Korea
2011 Member, The National Informatization Strategy Committee, Korea
2011 ~ 2013 Member, International Advisory Board, The National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan
2013. 8 ~ 2014. 6 Chairman, Samsung Science & Technology Foundation, Korea
2014. 7 ~ 2017. 7 Minister, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea
2017 ~ 2021 Member, Board of Directors, Rehabilitation International Korea
2019. 8 ~ 2020. 8 Chair, AI Committee, Seoul National University, Korea
2020. 8 ~ Professor Emeritus, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
2021. 9 ~ President, Hallym University, Korea