If you wish to stay on campus after the final day of the semester it is possible to extend your stay in the student dorm by paying a daily fee. Please speak to your buddies to help you organize this, if required.
The daily accommodation rate during the holiday period ranges from w8,000 to w12,000. ($7 to $10 per day). It is possible to do this by applying a few weeks before the end of each semester. *(Please note that the dormitory may have a minimum period that students must apply for. This is typically one week).
Your academic grade transcript will automatically be emailed to your home exchange coordinator at your home university. If your coordinator requests an original copy, it will be posted to your home coordinator shortly afterwards. You do not have to do anything between finishing your exams and leaving campus for this to happen. If you are a two semester exchange student, your home coordinator will receive two transcripts (one at the end of each semester).
- Spring academic transcripts are usually sent in July
- Fall academic transcripts are usually sent in January (of the following year)