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General Announcement

[Notice] 2025-1 Recruiting Global Mentors (extra scholarship program)

  • Views 68
  • Writer 글로벌교류센터
  • 작성일 25.01.16

1. What is a Global Mentoring Program?

It is a program of connecting new students and seniors to help new students to adjust to new life in Korea smoothly and learn about campus and academic information by communicating with the seniors. It is a scholarship program for the seniors(=mentors).

2. Mentoring duration : 2025 Spring semester (1 semester) 

3. Eligibility

■ Those who are able to participate in all activities with integrity and a proactive attitude

■ English speaking students (international students can apply, regardless of nationality)

■ Preferred: from the 2nd-year senior

■ Recruiting department: Global Business

4. Schedules



Application duration and methods

January 20(Mon) ~ 30(Thui

via email (iao22@hallym.ac.kr)

Result announcement

February 7(Fri) 17:00

Training Sessions

February 24(Mon) or 25(Tue) 14:00~15:00 

※Required to attend at least one session, 

Snacks will be provided


February 28(Fri) 10:00~17:00

5. How to apply

※ Email title "Application for 2025-1 Global Mentor (Name/Student no.)"

■ Name:

■ Student No.:

■ Major: Global Business

■ Cell phone no.:

■ Motivation of application:


6. Scholarship

■ Amount: 10,300 KRW per hour 

※ Required participation hours 30(minimum)~60(maximum)  

※ Expenses for activities will be paid by Hallym University

■ Requirement <what is mentioned below must be fulfilled>

 1) Attending at least one training session, orientation, group activities, document submission (detailed will be informed during the training sessions)
 2) It is subject to change based on the University's policy and budget plan.

■ Below-mentioned will be excluded for scholarship 

 ➀ cancellation ➁ dishonor ➂ failure to comply with instructions without good cause ➃ misrepresenting any fact, etc.

7. Notice

■ Drop-out without any excuse and discussion will result in restrictions from the Global Engagement Center's support

8. Inquiry

■ Global Engagement Center (#5204, Annex Building 2F)

■ Tel: 033-248-1343