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Changes in class operation according to the change to ‘social distancing stage 1’

  • Views 1011
  • Writer 글로벌협력센터
  • 작성일 20.10.13

Changes in class operation according to the change to ‘social distancing stage 1

The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters have downgraded to the social distancing threat to ‘stage 1 (enforced on October 12, 2020)’.

For this reason, class operating methods changed in correspondence to the social distancing stage 1 (level) in accordance with the Emergency Response Plan.

□ Background

-With the recent downgrading of the COVID threat from ‘Stage 2’ to ‘Stage 1’ real-time video or prerecorded classes converted to face-to-face classes.

-However, after consultation with students, if it is difficult to participate in face-to-face classes (depending on the students’ current location and feelings), online classes may continue on a subject to subject or class to class basis. 

□ Content

-Starting date: After October 26th (Mon) (9th week of the semester)



Stage 2

Stage 1

Face-to-face lectures


Face-to-face class

Remain the same

Blended Lectures

Blended, Flip learning, Convertible (Mixed), Project

Mixed class

Non face-to-face lectures

Video content, Real-time video class

Non face-to-face class

Convertible lectures

Convertible (video)

Non face-to-face class

Parallel Class*

Parallel Class*

-Teaching method that runs both face-to-face and non-face-to-face classes simultaneously. 

-Non face-to-face classes will be conducted, if preferable for individual students.

-Students can choose to participate in face-to-face or non-face-to-face classes without any application process.