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General Announcement

Dormitory application during 2023 summer vacation

  • Views 654
  • Writer 글로벌교류센터
  • 작성일 23.05.26

Available dorms during summer vacation: No. 1 & 8

Application period: Mon. May 29 ~ Sun. June 4

Application method: through the online system 학생정보시스템 

* 학사행정 - 학생생활관 - 사생정보 - 방학중

* use restriction: student who had some penalty (over 15 points accumulated) or permanent leave enforcement in the past

Payment period: Wed. June 7 ~ Fri. June 9

Payment amount

* 6,000 KRW/night at Dorm No.1

* 11,000 KRW/night at Dorm No.8

Payment method: wire transfer at the virtual bank account marked on the invoice

* payment is accepted only during the official payment period

Room announcement: Fri. June 23  (17:00)

Check in&out standard dates: Mon. June 26 ~ Wed. August 23

* minimum duration of stay : 5 days

* detailed check in&out dates according to personal schedules are subject to be discussed with the dorm office

Check in method: at the dorm office, student ID required

* dorm office is open between 09:00-17:00

Mandatory check out: before August 23 13:00 due to the  building cleaning

Regulations: equal to semester-stay


* tel) 033-248-3601~2

* visit) Dorm No.8 2F dorm office

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