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General Announcement

17th International Career Fair 2024

  • Views 1269
  • Writer 글로벌교류센터
  • 작성일 24.06.11

I. Event Outline

   ㅇ Title : 17th International Career Fair 2024

   ㅇ Date, Time and Venue :


   - 2024.7.15.(Mon) 13:30~17:50 Seoul City Hall


   - 2024.7.16.(Tue) 13:30~17:50 Songdo G Tower (Incheon Free Economic Zone "IFEZ")


   - 2024.7.17.(Wed) 13:30~17:50 Busan City Hall


  ㅇ 7 Participating organizations : △UN Secretariat △UNESCO △UNHCR △UNICEF △WHO △ICC △OECD


       ※ Event in Seoul will be live-broadcasted through Youtube channel run by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Social Live MOFA"(https://www.youtube.com/user/MOFAKorea


II. Program

 ㅇ Main


  - (1st part) △Opening and Celebration △Explanation for International Career Fair of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs △Introduction of International Organizations located in Seoul and Incheon △Introduction of International Organizations' Attendees


  - (2nd part) Deep Dive Session and Mock Interview for each International Organizations


     ※ Application is required (refer to the last page of the attachment)


 ㅇ Extra


  - Promotion events and Counselling


III. Application

 ㅇ Fair 


  - Period : 2024.6.10.(Mon)~the day before the event


     ※ Deadline: Seoul 7.14.(Sun), Incheon 7.15.(Mon) and Busan 7.16.(Tue)


  - How to apply : https://UNrecruit.mofa.go.kr (click the pop-up page)


     ※ International Career Fair Guidebook will be distributed on site to pre-applicants on a first-come-first-served basis 


 ㅇ QnA


  - Period : 2024.6.10.(Mon)~6.17.(Mon) 24:00 in Korean time


  - How to apply : https://UNrecruit.mofa.go.kr (click the pop-up page)


     ※ Pre-reserved questions will be answered during the deep dive sessions of each international organizations


 ㅇ Mock Interview


  - Period : 2024.6.10.(Mon)~6.24.(Mon) 24:00 in Korean time


  - How to apply https://UNrecruit.mofa.go.kr (click the pop-up page - upload required document in one PDF)


  - Required document : CV and Cover letter / Desired job description is optional


  - Result announcement : Individual information via Email or Mobile phone


IV. Inquiry

 ㅇ (Main host)


  - Ministry of Foreign Affairs(UN,International Organizations HR Center) : 02-2100-8421/7241


 ㅇ (Co-host)


  - Seoul City Hall (Dept. of City diplomacy) : 02-2133-5271


  - Incheon City Hall (Dept. of Promoting international exchange) : 032-440-3243


  - Busan City Hall (Dept. of Youth policy) : 051-888-7881/7882


Attachement: Info sheet (written in Korean, check out the last page)

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