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English > Korean Online Language Exchange: Sign Up Now!

  • Views 1788
  • Writer Gareth
  • 작성일 21.02.10

Whether you're a Hallym student preparing to Study Abroad, or just wishing to meet international students from around the world the Korean <> English Online Language Exchange, organized by Samantha, President of Ontario Tech Humanities Society, Canada is a great way to meet like -minded friends!

Below you will find excerpts of an online Zoom interview between, Samanta, from Ontario Tech, Canada & Jenna from York St John University, United Kingdom by Hallym International Students and Scholars Office. 

If you are interested in signing up for the Online Language Exchange organized by Sam, please click on the link below to sign up for the What's App Group. 

Both students participated in Hallym's recent  Online Korean Studies Taster Program and have a keen interest in Korean Language & Korean Studies. 

Q: Samantha what motivated you to set up your Korean Language club in the first place?

Here (at home), I don't get to practice my Korean too much, as no one else around me is learning.

Normally, if I were at university I would be surrounded by students who speak multiple languages, enabling me to practice my Korean with our exchange students. Given the situation with COVID I figured that lots of other people are in a similar situation to me, so I decided to set up the English <> Korean Language exchange as a way to communicate with people. 

Q: How long has the club been running for?

My school has a K-pop club, that's been running for years at this point. 

The Korean Language exchange, I founded right after the Hallym Online Korean Studies Taster Program because I thought it would be interesting, especially as we get to practice with people who are not near us, so we get to make new friends.

Q: In terms of the Hallym Online Korean Studies Taster Program, have many of the students that participated in the program joined your Korean Language exchange? 

Yes, that's why Jenna joined this interview! The reason why they're not all here is because lots of the other students have work at the moment.

Q: How many students typically participate in your chat group?

We have two groups. The What's App group is for general chatting, like'Hi how are you' and catching up. The Discord Group is for practicing language skills and just talking, also for some people in the Discord Group, English is their second language, so sometimes when we're speaking in English, we just switch to speaking Korean as this is the language which unifies all of us. The numbers vary, as the meetings are very flexible at the moment.

Q: Is there any'set time' for the club? 

Usually we don't set a time, because we're all students with different schedules and commitments. It's more a case of you respond when you have the chance. We're thinking of scheduling a'set time' in the summer when we are all on vacation when there will be a bit more structure to our communications and language learning, but for now, it's more spontaneous. 

Q: What majors are you both currently studying?

Samantha> Legal Studies with a specialization in Information Law 

Jenna> Korean Studies & Korean Language 

Q: Jenna, I guess that you have to Study Abroad as part of your major?

Yes, we must study abroad for one year in our third year. I'm due to come to Korea in September for a year, depending on the situation with COVID. 

Q: What would you both say to Hallym students who are reading this article and considering signing up to your Online Language Exchange to encourage them to do so?

Samantha> Do it! Literally what do you have to lose? You don't even have to respond; you can just read. Some people just read, we had some people who just started talking literally yesterday. 

They were also in the Hallym Online Korean Studies Taster Program, they were just a little bit shy, so don't feel like your Korean or your English has to be spectacular we're all learning. Some people are better than others, but it's helpful to everyone.

Q: So I guess from what you just said, the Korean Language ability of the group varies quite a bit within the group?

Samantha> There are some people who are still learning to read Hangul with others being near fluent, so there is a wide range of abilities within the group. Some people are studying Korean as their major, with others studying subjects, such as Engineering who just wish to learn a second language for work or educational purposes. 

Q: Do you have any final words for the students reading this article, who may still be considering whether to join your language exchange group, or not?

Jenna> Like Samantha said, if you join the chat group, you don't have to respond if you're shy but you get the chance to make friends from all around the world. We're all learning like Sam said so try it, give it a go! 

You don't have to talk if you don't want to. It's a lot of fun!

To sign up for the What's App Group click here

How to join a WhatsApp Group on android phone  Instructions

How to join a WhatsApp Group on an iPhone  instructions

How to make a discord account (Mobile and Desktop)  instructions

How to join a discord server (Mobile and Desktop)  Instructions

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